Friday, May 18, 2018

The sobering life of a lion cub

When male lions reach full maturity, usually over the age of two. It is only then that they are ready to take over territory – which means taking over a pride.
The fight between an existing pride leader and the challenger does not always result in death. Most times, if a challenger is successful, the defeated leaves the pride and destined to wander a nomadic life.

When a new male lion takes over a pride, the first thing he does is to kill off the previous males offspring. This is called “Infantcide”. This is where the new king of the pride kills the cubs because they are not biologically related to him, and does not want to spend his energy ensuring that other lions’ genes will be passed on.

However, within days or weeks of losing their cubs, the female lions come into oestrus and mate with the cub-killing male, and produce other cubs.

Why don't you come with me next year. We will experience real life in the Serengeti and we will see cubs of all ages, nomadic males, and entire lion prides living in the Serengeti. 

Monday, May 14, 2018

How Does a Cheetah Hunt

The cheetah’s favorite target is the Thompson’s gazelle.
Upon spotting the intended target, the cheetah will get low to the ground and use stealth to creep and get closer to the target.
Long grass is essential to keep the predator concealed, and the cat must stay perfectly silent as gazelles are very wary animals.
Once close enough, the cheetah will bolt at speeds exceeding 113 km/h (70 mph) towards the intended victim. The cheetah only has a 1 in 10 chance of succeeding.
The cat is faster than the gazelle in short bursts, though the gazelle is faster over distance.
The predator will attempt to trip the prey animal by grabbing its hind legs, or by jumping on it and breaking its spine. Once the animal is caught, the cheetah must rest, as its body temperature cannot raise any higher.
The cheetah may begin to eat the animal before it is dead. The cat must eat quickly, as the kill may be stolen by larger predators.
Male cheetahs can even form groups with their brothers. In this group, they can go after larger prey such as wildebeest.
Want to come watch a Cheetah hunt with me next year? Click on this link and join the fun.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Meet the Thomson's Gazelle

Thomson's gazelles are medium-sized antelopes found in East Africa.
These grazing antelopes live in herds, which can consist of as few as ten or as many as several hundred animals. During the plentiful rainy season, thousands of animals can be seen gathering in large groups... and not too far away... the Cheetah who loves to eat them. :-)
Life on the Open Plains
Gazelles typically frequent wide-open spaces and plains, where they browse on grasses, shoots, and leaves.
Open plains make them visible to predators like cheetahs or wild dogs, but gazelles are fleet of foot. The Thomson's gazelle can reach speeds of 40 miles an hour.
Some gazelle species eschew the grasslands for mountainous landscapes or even deserts. During the dry season some grassland gazelles will even take to the African bush in search of water.
Gazelles are nimble and beautiful animals, with a variety of stripes and markings that accentuate their tan buff coats and white rumps. They also boast a impressive, ringed horns. These attributes make many gazelles attractive as game animals.
After a pregnancy of about six months, female gazelles give birth to one or two young and hide them in the plains grasses. These infants will remain out of sight for days or even weeks, being periodically nursed by their mother, until they are old enough to join the mother's herd, in the case of females, or a bachelor herd.
Come with me next year and we can see Cheetah shadow the herds of Thomson's Gazelle, and if we are lucky, witness a chase... All the details can be seen here. 

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Imagine being on a safari without the dozens of other vehicles spoiling the experience

For 20 years, the grasslands of the Eastern Serengeti were closed to tourists to allow the cheetah population to replenish itself. Today, this is big-cat territory, where cheetah roam the area in pursuit of prey, and lion and leopard hunt undisturbed.
Then, in 2014, the region reopened, but only one camp was built in the area. Guests that come with me to Tanzania can now enjoy this incredible corner of the Serengeti from the comfort of cool and elegant Namiri Plains where your closest neighbour over an hour’s drive away, you may be excused for thinking that Namiri Plains belongs to you.
The camp – created for safari enthusiasts seeking comfort and exclusivity in secluded surroundings – is elegant, contemporary and blissfully comfortable.
In the mess tent, sink into one of the elegant sofas and watch the wildlife roaming over the surrounding Serengeti plains or relax in the outdoor seating area under the shade of the giant acacias. In the evening, guests gather to recount the day’s adventures beside the campfire before dinner is served in the spacious dining tent or under a glittering canopy of stars.
Then there are the fantastic meals here… Our camp chefs prepare all meals in camp, and bake fresh bread, biscuits and muffins daily.
A morning wake up call at your tent with delivery of tea and coffee with a yummy treat will start your morning off perfectly.
Breakfast is a tempting buffet-style spread – choose from a Continental or a full English breakfast. Light, buffet-style lunches in camp include fresh salads and vegetables with your main course. Alternatively, we will frequently ask for a picnic breakfast and lunch basket to maximize your time on safari.
But at night, after a great day on safari, dinner is always a three-course silver service affair with your choice of soft drinks, coffee, tea , juice or wine.
Namiri boasts expansive views, serious comfort, exceptional privacy and unrivalled sightings of apex predators in a region of the Serengeti come together to give you an exclusive and action-packed safari experience on the Serengeti plains.
In 2018 we booked out the majority of the one camp there, and spent three days where we did not see another vehicle the entire time we were there. It was like we were on our private game reserve.
In April of 2019 I am returning to the area for four days when the Wildebeest Migration will be in the area. Once again we have booked 6 of the 8 luxurious tents and are poised to repeat the success we had in that area in 2018.
Our predator sightings in that area over three days, were as follows:
Three (3) nomadic male Lions
Six (6) female lions
Eighteen (18) lion cubs
Four (4) Cheetah
Why don’t you come enjoy this corner of paradise in the Serengeti with me. For four days and three nights we will experience the Serengeti the way it was decades ago.. big cats, lots of prey, and minimal traffic... Its undisturbed and a wildlife and landscape photographers paradise.

Friday, May 4, 2018

2019 Namibia Photo Tour

Stock image 

Trip Summary

Namibia has the world’s most spectacular and varied desert landscapes and one of the least populated countries on the planet…  its endless vistas will be permanently etched into your soul.
Nowhere else will you see families of desert elephant moving silently through the beautiful valleys in search of life-giving oases. No other desert has a Skeleton Coast where the great Atlantic Ocean waves pound a burning shore littered with shipwrecks, often shrouded in fog where only giant seal colonies live. 
Namibia’s desert winds have sculpted the world’s highest dunes out of red sand and it is these dunes that make the Namibian landscape like no other on earth. In some places the dunes rise out of endless fields of grass and in others the dunes are as high as mountains. In a special place the sand cut off the water supply to a seasonal wetland and today the result is the petrified trees of Deadvlei. In the far South, fine silica sands are now reclaiming what was once the site of a great diamond rush – the ghost town of Kolmanskop. To the West, a special combination of rocky ground and hot, arid conditions have created one of the most alien plants on earth; the Quiver Tree.
Join us for an opportunity to experience and photograph these one of a kind landscapes under professional guidance. Together with ur local experts we have designed a trip where we will take you to the most photogenic locations, not just carefully planned for the best light, but to aid you in mentally visualizing a scene before capturing the decisive moment.
Our goal during this trip is not only send you home with images you are proud of, but use your new found skills to improve and expand your photographic and post editing technique in general.

Trip Details

Dates: March 10, 2019 to March 24, 2019
Number of Attendees: 2 spots remain available
Price and Deposit: $8950USD for a shared room. A deposit of $3000USD will secure your spot. The remaining balance will be due December 1, 2018. 
If you need other payment arrangements, just ask... Contact me here

What is Included?

  • Airport pickup and drop off at Windhoek, Namibia
  • All shared accommodation during your tour. If you will travel alone and require a room to yourself, a single supplement of $1,000 is payable
  • All breakfasts and dinners are included except the evening meal on day 8 and 9, when you will have your choice from the hotel menu
  • Snacks, water will be stocked in our vehicles
  • An experienced and professional guide/driver to transport us safely around Namibia for the entire trip and two pro photographers to help you create images and teach you editing techniques
  • Admission fees to planned facilities and excursions
  • Non-commercial photo permit for Ghost Town (sunrise to sunset), Night photography at Quiver Tree Forest Rest Camp (sunset to sunrise) and a full day 4x4 Sandwich Harbour Excursion in Walvis Bay

What is Not Included?

  • Your flight and any other travel costs to Windhoek Airport and back home again after the tour
  • Any hotels while traveling prior to or following the tour.
  • Beverages at some lodges and additional items ordered during meals. (details will be supplied)
  • Entrance fees for any unplanned activities for which the opportunity may arise – you would be made aware of any additional costs before engaging in any such activity
  • The cost of any vaccinations that you require to safely attend this tour

Who Is This Tour For?

  • Anyone with a love for culture, landscape and wildlife photography, and an adventurous spirit
  • Anyone that wants to improve their photography while taking photographs of a lifetime
  • Photographers of all skill levels are very welcome, and will receive all the coaching you need to take amazing images.

What Should I Bring?

  • You’ll need at least one camera, ideally two to give you the opportunity to shoot with multiple lenses simultaneously, and also serve as a backup
  • Lenses from wide angle up around 400mm (or the 35mm equivalent)
  • A sturdy tripod and cable release, and a polarizer and neutral density filters also broaden your photographic opportunities.
  • A more detailed list including clothing etc. Will be sent to you after you sign up, and then covered again prior to your trip on a one on one phone discussion we will have with you.


March 10, 2019 – Day 1
You will arrive and be transported to our lodge in the hills over Windhoek and enjoy our first meal together in the beautiful surroundings.
Note: the easiest way to get to Windhoek is to fly to Johannesburg (South Africa) where the group can meet, and take the same flight to Windhoek together. Details will be included in your preparation guidebook.
March 11, 2019 – Day 2
Today we take a drive to Keetmanshoop, and visit the Quiver Tree Forest, and hopefully also get a little bit of astrophotography in to photograph the Milky Way with the Quiver Trees. We will have the opportunity to be out from sunset to sunrise shooting the iconic milky way and star images over the Quiver trees.
March 12, 2019 – Day 3
We will enjoy one final morning with a visit to the Quiver Tree Forest and Devils Playground. We will be heading west through harsh but beautiful terrain which changes to vast open desert plains to a small town called Aus where you can view and photograph the Feral Horses before heading on to Lüderitz.
March 13, 2019 – Day 4
Today is spooky as we head over to the Ghost Town, Kholmanskop. We will be there from dawn to dusk to photograph the ghost town in every kind of light.
March 14 and 15, 2019 – Days 5 & 6
From Luderitz we travel to Sossusvlei where we stay inside the national park so that we can get access to Deadvlei at dawn to photograph the iconic Camel-Thorn Trees in silhouette again the red dunes.
We will also have photo sessions of the surrounding dunes during our time in the beautiful Sossusvlei area. Sossusvlei is the iconic area for the Namibian dune photographs that you always see.
March 16 and 17, 2019 – Days 7 & 8
Depart after breakfast and head north crossing the Tropic of Capricorn, through the Gaub and Kuiseb Canyons via the Namib Gravel Plains to the coast. The Namibian coastline is known as The Skeleton Coast due to the barren areas, shipwrecks and whale skeletons scattered on the beach.
On day nine we have scheduled a full day 4×4 Sandwich Harbour Excursion in the sand dunes overlooking the coastline where sand meets the ocean.
March 18 and 19, 2019 – Days 9 & 10
We head towards Palmwag. We head north along the Skeleton Coast, via Henties Bay to visit the Cape Cross seal colony. We also plan to stop at the Lichen Fields as well as the famous shipwreck between the picturesque small town of Henties Bay.
From our base in the beautiful lodge at Palmwag, we’ll visit a Himba settlement. The Himba are a nomadic people who let us into their village and share aspects of their culture, giving us ample chances to capture their unique way of life.
March 20 and 21, 2019 – Days 11 & 12
We will switch gears a bit and go and visit the Cheetah Conservation Fund. A location where you will spend the next few days. Once we arrive at our lodge, we will enjoy a Serengeti Sundowner Drive with the lodge guide & vehicle.
March 22, 2019 – Day 13
You will enjoy a custom designed Cheetah Runs and Cheetah Drive activities that we created just for our guests. Get ready to get up close and personal with the fastest predator on earth. You will have an unparalleled photo experience with adult and juvenile cheetah. These special access photo sessions would be nearly impossible to photograph any place else in Africa.
March 23, 2019 – Day 14
We will head back to Windhoek late in the morning to our final lodge where you will spend your last night at Windhoek Country Club.
March 24, 2019 – Day 15
Our guide will transfer us to the Windhoek international airport in time for your onward travel arrangements. If time permits, our guide will take you on a short Windhoek City Tour before your flights home.
Are you ready to check off one of the best landscape photography workshops you will ever take? All you have to do is email me here

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

2019 Tanzania Photo Safari

Do you have a passion for wildlife and landscape photography? Would you like to visit a location that has the best of both?
Tanzania is that location. Lions, Leopards, Cheetah, Wildebeest, Zebra, Giraffe, Hippos, elephants, and an abundance of bird life... all serving as the species you will photograph amidst a backdrop of endless plains, rock out croppings and beautiful Acacia trees. 
I have been travelling to Africa since 2012 and I can personally attest that the animals, while compelling to photograph, are merely just a component to what is arguably one of the most photogenic locations I have ever visited in my guiding career. Nowhere on earth can you find all these apex predators that follow the worlds largest land migration. It has been happening before man has inhabited earth... the Wildebeest Migration.
Our time spent together will visit the area where the migration is just after the calving season on the south east corner of the Serengeti. The time a year when all mothers are teaching their young how to survive. Predators teaching young to track prey. Prey teaching youngsters to avoid predators. All amidst stunning landscapes of the famous Ngorongoro and Serengeti. 
Prepare to be amazed and to be humbled. This is your chance to witness an area of the world most people will only ever read about and watch on TV at home, wishing they could go on safari.

Testimonial From Previous Trip

"He has always gone above and beyond to deliver a once in a lifetime experience."
"I have been on several photo trips with Kevin over the past few years and have had an outstanding experience and adventure on each of them. On my last trip with him in Ontario he searched and networked with local photographers to locate where we could photograph Great Gray Owl’s. We drove for hours until we tracked one down and had the opportunity to see one of my bucket list birds.
He has always gone above and beyond to deliver a once in a lifetime experience. I am looking forward to joining him again in a few weeks to travel to Tanzania for what I know will be a great adventure!"
— Paul S., Eagles '14, Owls '17, Newfoundland, '17, Tanzania '18

Dates of the workshop: April 5, 2019 to April 14, 2019
Price: $7695USD - Receive $495 early bird discount if you sign up before May 31, 2019
Instructor on the Workshop: Kevin Allen Pepper
Number of attendees: 3 spots remain
Deposit to secure your spot on the workshop: $1500USD and the balance due 90 days prior to your departure date
Included: Meals, internal flights out to the Serengeti, airport pickup and drop off at Kilimanjaro airport, shared accommodation (single rooms available at $750, just ask), only three guests per safari vehicle, you have plenty of room to maneuver for shots and comfortably carry all your gear—plus a guaranteed window seat on both sides of the vehicle for each person, of course!, photo instruction while out in the field by a pro photographer that has been teaching for 6 years, image critiques so you also learn editing techniques.
I will also have various LUMIX micro 4/3rd cameras and lenses on site for you to use as a back up camera to your regular camera system. This is a good opportunity for you to try the micro 4/3rd camera system under the guidance of a LUMIX pro photographer to see how it performs in the real world. 
Not Included: travellers insurance, international airfare, items of personal nature, some alcohol at a few of our locations (ask for details), visa fees, items not listed as included
Where we stay during Safari: I have chosen areas that balance the best wildlife encounters with locating camps that have minimal people so you feel like you are on a private safari. One area I have chosen has only one camp with six luxury tents in an area we stayed in last year. We saw only one other vehicle in three days in this area that was recently re-opened to the public, AND had some of the best Lion and Cheetah encounters I have ever had. 
What to Expect on Safari with Me: This is a photo workshop, not just a photo safari.  You can expect both photography instruction in the field and also back at our camp in regards to editing. During the workshop I will sit down with you individually and go through your images from the trip and discuss composition, editing techniques and camera settings. 
Our days will start with a personal wake up call with fresh coffee and tea delivered right to your tent. We will then depart before sunrise and eat our breakfast while out on safari. Some days we will come back to camp for a sit down lunch, other days we will have taken lunch with us. Our days will end after sunset, and when we arrive back at camp, a three course meal will await us. During some amazing dinners we share together,  we can discuss our safari stories and then head back to the lounge to go through images before turning in for the night. 

Workshop Details:

Day One - You arrive at Kilimanjaro International Airport on your international flight and taken to KIA lodge where you can get a good nights sleep close the the airport. 
Day Two - Today you are headed to the Serengeti. Today you will depart KIA lodge and taken to the Kilimanjaro airport where you will board your regional flight in the mid morning that will take you to the Serengeti. You will arrive in the Serengeti at lunch and we will hit the ground running, immersed in your first safari drive for the balance of the day. 
After our safari we will return to camp where a three course meal will await us. 
Day Three and day Four - For three nights we are staying at another of my favorite locations, Kiota camp. Kiota Camp is set in the central Serengeti allowing for fantastic year round game viewing, especially if your interested in searching for the big cats at any time of the year. We are perfectly positioned to view large herds of Elephants, hippos fighting in a water pool, and of course, big cats. Last year we saw multiple predators hunting prey, but we also were treated to numerous photo opportunities of Lion cubs and young leopards
In 2018 our big cat sightings in this area for two days were, 3 leopards, 3 cheetah and15 lions.
Day Five, Six, Seven -  We are headed to Cat Central... From the southern part of the Serengeti we drive to Namiri Plains. An area known as cat central. Namiri Plains was closed to public access in order to create a safe haven for cheetah breeding and specifically allow Frankfurt Zoo to complete a focused study on the areas extremely high population of cheetah. Now, its open and the Cheetah, Lion, Leopard, and other cat sightings are said to be unparalleled anywhere else in Africa.
While most groups visit only the most central and busiest parts of Serengeti National Park, we stay in this newly opened area of the park in the east-central Serengeti region known as the Namiri Plains where travelers are few, though feline predators are abundant! Here, we do traditional wildlife drives with some jaw dropping landscapes that serve as a great background for those that appreciate all that Africa has to offer.
While in Namiri in 2018 our big cat sightings in three days totalled, 4 different Cheetah and 32 different lions.
Day Eight – Before the sun rises we will depart camp for one last game drive through the Namiri Plains on our way to the Ngongoro Crater. On our way there will be multiple scenes to photograph, including mountains, animals, and we will stop at a Masaii village during our drive. 
We will arrive at Plantation Lodge late in the day. Here, you can relax in luxury over a great dinner. 
Day Nine - Today you are in for a treat. The breathtaking Ngorongoro Crater is undoubtedly the centrepiece of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. This crater formed about two to three million years ago when a volcano exploded and collapsed on itself. The Ngorongoro Crater is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and was voted as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa by the Seven Natural Wonders ...
Ngoronroro boasts the largest concentration of wildlife in all of Africa, and contains some of the largest old bull elephants you will see anywhere else. Your day will be filled with the opportunity to see the largest concentration of Lion Prides, Cheetah, Caracal, Black Rhino, Elephants, Hyenas, Zebra, Hippos, Wildebeest, Grant's and Thomson's Gazelles, Blue Monkey, Vervet Monkeys and Baboons.
Day Ten - Today you will be driven back to Kilimanjaro. On our way back we will stop at the Arusha Cultural Center where you can view the largest collection of African art in one location... and pick up some souvenirs for yourselves and your loved ones back home.
We have secured a day room at KIA lodge where you can shower, clean up, pack and have a relaxing meal before your flight home that night. If you have to stay, no worries, we can book you a room at KIA lodge if you fly home the next day. 
If you have any questions, just ask! We are happy to answer any questions you may have in regards to the Tanzanian Photo Safari.